com. kelvinluck. flickr. Group

Class to describe a group from Flickr.

Instances of this class are created to hold groups who have been returned in data from calls to the Flickr API.


Kelvin Luck < kelvin at kelvinluck dot com >

Class to describe a group from Flickr.
Constant for privacy value for private groups.
Constant for privacy value for invite only groups.
Constant for privacy value for public groups.
This group’s nsid.
The name of this group.
Whether this group is visible to members over 18 only.
The description of this Group.
The number of members in this Group.
The privacy setting of this group.
This Groups photo pool.
The number of Photos in this Groups pool.
A private static Object containing Group objects.
Adds a Photo to this Groups _pool.
Removes a Photo from this Groups _pool.
Get’s this Groups _pool
Get’s a Group object for the given nsid.


static var PRIVACY_PRIVATE: Number

Constant for privacy value for private groups.


static var PRIVACY_INVITE_ONLY: Number

Constant for privacy value for invite only groups.


static var PRIVACY_PUBLIC: Number

Constant for privacy value for public groups.


public var nsid: String

This group’s nsid.


public var name: String

The name of this group.


public var eighteenPlus: Boolean

Whether this group is visible to members over 18 only.


var description: String

The description of this Group.


var members: Number

The number of members in this Group.


var privacy: Number

The privacy setting of this group.

See Also





private var _pool: Array

This Groups photo pool.


var numPhotos: Number

The number of Photos in this Groups pool.


private static var _groups: Object

A private static Object containing Group objects.  Used by getGroup to insure that only one Group is created for each nsid returned from


private function Group(nsid: String)
Constructor functioncreates a new Group object.

Don’t call directly, use getGroup to make sure that there is only one Group instance for each nsid as returned by


nsidThe nsid of the Group you are creating.


function addPhoto(photo: Photo)

Adds a Photo to this Groups _pool.


photoThe Photo to add.


function removePhoto(photo: Photo)

Removes a Photo from this Groups _pool.


photoThe Photo to remove.


function getPhotos():Array

Get’s this Groups _pool


This Groups _pool


public static function getGroup(nsid: String):Group

Get’s a Group object for the given nsid.

Consults _groups to make sure that only one Group instance is created for each nsid from


nsidThe nsid of the Group you want to get.
static var PRIVACY_PRIVATE: Number
Constant for privacy value for private groups.
var privacy: Number
The privacy setting of this group.
static var PRIVACY_INVITE_ONLY: Number
Constant for privacy value for invite only groups.
static var PRIVACY_PUBLIC: Number
Constant for privacy value for public groups.
public var nsid: String
This group’s nsid.
public var name: String
The name of this group.
public var eighteenPlus: Boolean
Whether this group is visible to members over 18 only.
var description: String
The description of this Group.
private function Group(nsid: String)
var members: Number
The number of members in this Group.
private var _pool: Array
This Groups photo pool.
var numPhotos: Number
The number of Photos in this Groups pool.
Class to describe a photo from Flickr.
private static var _groups: Object
A private static Object containing Group objects.
function addPhoto(photo: Photo)
Adds a Photo to this Groups _pool.
function removePhoto(photo: Photo)
Removes a Photo from this Groups _pool.
function getPhotos():Array
Get’s this Groups _pool
public static function getGroup(nsid: String):Group
Get’s a Group object for the given nsid.