com. kelvinluck. flickr. Person

Class to describe a person from Flickr.

Instances of this class are created to hold people who have been returned in data from calls to the Flickr API.


Kelvin Luck < kelvin at kelvinluck dot com >

Class to describe a person from Flickr.
This person’s nsid.
This person’s username.
This person’s email address.
Used to build the url to the users’ buddyicon
If this person is a friend.
If this person is family.
If this person is ignored.
If this person is an admin.
If this person has a Pro account.
This person’s real name.
This person’s location.
This person’s mboxSha1sum.
The number of photos this user has taken.
The date this persons first photograph was uploaded.
The date this persons first photograph was taken.
The bandwidth this user has available, in bytes per month.
The bandwidth this user has used this month, in bytes.
The maximum size per file that this user can upload, in bytes.
An Array containing references to all of this Person’s photos.
An Object containing references to all of this Person’s Tag’s
An Array containing references to this user’s Photosets
An Array containing references to this user’s Groups
An Array containing references to all of this Person’s contacts.
An Array containing references to all of this Person’s favourites as Photo objects indexed by the id of each of the favourites.
A private static Object containing Person objects.
Add’s a public group to this user and notes whether this user is an admin of that group.
Gets a list of the public groups that a user is a member of (if Flickr.peopleGetPublicGroups has been called for that user.
Add’s a public contact to this user
Gets a list of the public contacts that this user has (if addPublicContact has been called for this user.
Adds a favourite Photo to this user.
Removes a favourite Photo from this user.
Gets a list of the favorite Photo’s that this user has.
Adds this Photo into this Person’s _photos Array if it isn’t already there
Returns this Person’s _photos Array.
Adds this Photoset into this Person’s _photosets Array if it isn’t already there
Returns this Person’s _photosets Array.
Adds this Group into this Person’s _groups Array if it isn’t already there
Returns this Person’s _groups Array.
Removes this Photoset into this Person’s _photosets Array
Adds a Tag into this Person’s _tags Array if it isn’t already there
Get’s this persons _tags.
Get’s a Person object for the given nsid.


public var nsid: String

This person’s nsid.


public var username: String

This person’s username.


public var email: String

This person’s email address.


public var iconServer: Number

Used to build the url to the users’ buddyicon


public var friend: Boolean

If this person is a friend.


public var family: Boolean

If this person is family.


public var ignored: Boolean

If this person is ignored.


If this person is an admin.


If this person has a Pro account.


public var realname: String

This person’s real name.


public var location: String

This person’s location.


public var mboxSha1sum: String

This person’s mboxSha1sum.


public var numPhotos: String

The number of photos this user has taken.


public var photosFirstDate: Date

The date this persons first photograph was uploaded.


public var photosFirstDateTaken: Date

The date this persons first photograph was taken.


public var bandwidthMax: Number

The bandwidth this user has available, in bytes per month.


public var bandwidthUsed: Number

The bandwidth this user has used this month, in bytes.


public var filesizeMax: Number

The maximum size per file that this user can upload, in bytes.


private var _photos: Array

An Array containing references to all of this Person’s photos.  Can be filled up bit by bit as a result of calls to e.g.  Flickr.photosGetInfo


private var _tags: Object

An Object containing references to all of this Person’s Tag’s


private var _photosets: Array

An Array containing references to this user’s Photosets

See Also




private var _groups: Array

An Array containing references to this user’s Groups

See Also




private var _publicContacts: Object

An Array containing references to all of this Person’s contacts.

See Also




private var _favorites: Object

An Array containing references to all of this Person’s favourites as Photo objects indexed by the id of each of the favourites.

See Also




private static var _people: Object

A private static Object containing Person objects.  Used by getPerson to insure that only one Person is created for each nsid returned from


function Person(nsid: String)
Constructor functioncreates a new Person object.

Should be called via <PersonManager.getPerson>


function addPublicGroup(group: Group,
isAdmin: Boolean):Void

Add’s a public group to this user and notes whether this user is an admin of that group.


groupThe Group you are adding.
isAdminWhether this Person is an admin of this group

See Also



function getPublicGroups():Array

Gets a list of the public groups that a user is a member of (if Flickr.peopleGetPublicGroups has been called for that user.


Should this call Flickr.peopleGetPublicGroups automatically if it hasn’t been called?  Probably not because then it would become asyncronous and couldn’t return the result immediately


An Array of Objects containing two items group (a Group) and isAdmin (a Boolean) which marks whether this Person is an administrator of that Group

See Also



function addPublicContact(contact: Person):Void

Add’s a public contact to this user


contactThe Person you are adding.

See Also




function getPublicContacts():Object

Gets a list of the public contacts that this user has (if addPublicContact has been called for this user.


An Object containing Person objects indexed by their nsids.

See Also




function addFavorite(photo: Photo):Void

Adds a favourite Photo to this user.

NOTE, this just updates the internal representation of the user, It doesn’t add the favorite on the flickr website.  See Flickr.favoritesAdd if this is what you want to do.


photoThe Photo you are adding.

See Also




function removeFavorite(photo: Photo):Void

Removes a favourite Photo from this user.

NOTE, this just updates the internal representation of the user, It doesn’t remove the favorite on the flickr website.  See Flickr.favoritesRemove if this is what you want to do.


photoThe Photo you are adding.

See Also




function getFavorites():Object

Gets a list of the favorite Photo’s that this user has.


An Object containing Photo objects indexed by their ids.

See Also




function addPhoto(photo: Photo):Void

Adds this Photo into this Person’s _photos Array if it isn’t already there


photoThe Photo you are adding.


function getPhotos():Array

Returns this Person’s _photos Array.


An Array of Photo objects.


function addPhotoset(photoset: Photoset):Void

Adds this Photoset into this Person’s _photosets Array if it isn’t already there


photosetThe Photoset you are adding.


function getPhotosets():Array

Returns this Person’s _photosets Array.


An Array of Photoset objects.


function clearPhotosets()


function addGroup(group: Group):Void

Adds this Group into this Person’s _groups Array if it isn’t already there


groupThe Group you are adding.


function getGroups():Array

Returns this Person’s _groups Array.


An Array of Group objects.


function removePhotoset(photoset: Photoset):Void

Removes this Photoset into this Person’s _photosets Array


photosetThe Photoset you are removing.


function addTag(tag: Tag,
count: Number):Void

Adds a Tag into this Person’s _tags Array if it isn’t already there


tagThe Tag you are adding.
countThe number of times this person uses this tag.


public function getTags():Object

Get’s this persons _tags.


public static function getPerson(nsid: String):Person

Get’s a Person object for the given nsid.

Consults _people to make sure that only one Person instance is created for each nsid from


nsidThe id of the Person you want to get
public var nsid: String
This person’s nsid.
public var username: String
This person’s username.
public var email: String
This person’s email address.
public var iconServer: Number
Used to build the url to the users’ buddyicon
public var friend: Boolean
If this person is a friend.
public var family: Boolean
If this person is family.
public var ignored: Boolean
If this person is ignored.
public var realname: String
This person’s real name.
public var location: String
This person’s location.
public var mboxSha1sum: String
This person’s mboxSha1sum.
public var numPhotos: String
The number of photos this user has taken.
public var photosFirstDate: Date
The date this persons first photograph was uploaded.
public var photosFirstDateTaken: Date
The date this persons first photograph was taken.
public var bandwidthMax: Number
The bandwidth this user has available, in bytes per month.
public var bandwidthUsed: Number
The bandwidth this user has used this month, in bytes.
public var filesizeMax: Number
The maximum size per file that this user can upload, in bytes.
private var _photos: Array
An Array containing references to all of this Person’s photos.
private var _tags: Object
An Object containing references to all of this Person’s Tag’s
Class to describe a tag on a photo on
private var _photosets: Array
An Array containing references to this user’s Photosets
Describes a Photoset on
private var _groups: Array
An Array containing references to this user’s Groups
Class to describe a group from Flickr.
private var _publicContacts: Object
An Array containing references to all of this Person’s contacts.
private var _favorites: Object
An Array containing references to all of this Person’s favourites as Photo objects indexed by the id of each of the favourites.
Class to describe a photo from Flickr.
private static var _people: Object
A private static Object containing Person objects.
function Person(nsid: String)
function addPublicGroup(group: Group,
isAdmin: Boolean):Void
Add’s a public group to this user and notes whether this user is an admin of that group.
function getPublicGroups():Array
Gets a list of the public groups that a user is a member of (if Flickr.peopleGetPublicGroups has been called for that user.
function peopleGetPublicGroups(nsid: String)
Calls flickr.people.getPublicGroups to get the list of public groups a user is a member of.
function addPublicContact(contact: Person):Void
Add’s a public contact to this user
function getPublicContacts():Object
Gets a list of the public contacts that this user has (if addPublicContact has been called for this user.
function addFavorite(photo: Photo):Void
Adds a favourite Photo to this user.
function removeFavorite(photo: Photo):Void
Removes a favourite Photo from this user.
function getFavorites():Object
Gets a list of the favorite Photo’s that this user has.
function addPhoto(photo: Photo):Void
Adds this Photo into this Person’s _photos Array if it isn’t already there
function getPhotos():Array
Returns this Person’s _photos Array.
function addPhotoset(photoset: Photoset):Void
Adds this Photoset into this Person’s _photosets Array if it isn’t already there
function getPhotosets():Array
Returns this Person’s _photosets Array.
function clearPhotosets()
function addGroup(group: Group):Void
Adds this Group into this Person’s _groups Array if it isn’t already there
function getGroups():Array
Returns this Person’s _groups Array.
function removePhotoset(photoset: Photoset):Void
Removes this Photoset into this Person’s _photosets Array
function addTag(tag: Tag,
count: Number):Void
Adds a Tag into this Person’s _tags Array if it isn’t already there
public function getTags():Object
Get’s this persons _tags.
public static function getPerson(nsid: String):Person
Get’s a Person object for the given nsid.
function photosGetInfo (photoId: Number,
secret: String)
Calls to get information about a photo..
public function contactsGetPublicList(nsid: String)
Calls flickr.contacts.getPublicList to get a list of contacts a user.
public function favoritesAdd(photoId: Number)
Calls flickr.favorites.add to add a photo to a user’s favorites list.
public function favoritesGetPublicList(userId: String,
extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)
Calls flickr.favorites.getPublicList to get a list of favorite public photos for the given user.
public function favoritesRemove(photoId: Number)
Calls flickr.favorites.remove to remove a photo from a user’s favorites list.