com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr

Class to provide an interface to the Flickr API

This class in combination with FlickrResponseListener provides a convienient way to interact with the Flickr API from AS 2.  The implementation should abstract away any processing of XML and allow for type checking in the functions you override in FlickrResponseListener.  The idea is to make flash code which interacts with the Flickr API quicker and easier to write.

This code is still beta so feedback is greatfully received :)

This code and documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0.


Very simple usage example -- in the real world you would either subclass FlickrResponseListener to add functionality you required or override the method you were interested in.


var _flickr:Flickr = Flickr.getFlickr();
_flickrResponseListener = new FlickrResponseListener();
_flickr.apiKey = "***";
_flickr.testEcho("one", 2, "free");

This example shows how you would override the method you were interested in:


var _flickr:Flickr = Flickr.getFlickr();
_flickrResponseListener = new FlickrResponseListener();
_flickrResponseListener.onTestEcho = function(params:Object) {
// do stuff
_flickr.apiKey = "***";
_flickr.testEcho("one", 2, "free");

See Also





Kelvin Luck < kelvin at kelvinluck dot com >

Project Website /projects- /flashr-a-flickr-api-wrapper-for-flash

Class to provide an interface to the Flickr API
Your Flickr API Key.
The place for all API calls to connect to.
The base path you go to when you want to authenticate on
The API is already waiting for the response to a method call so cannot make another call
Could not connect to the server (e.g.
The XML returned by the server wasn’t in a &lt;rsp /&gt; tag.
The user wasn’t logged in and tried to access a method that requires authentication (returned from
The API key sent to flickr was invalid (returned from
There was no errors and valid XML was returned.
A constant representing permissions for nobody.
A constant representing permissions for friends and family.
A constant representing permissions for contacts.
A constant representing permissions for everybody.
Private variable to store this app’s shared secret for use with the authentication API.
Private variable which stores the token generated by a successfull authorisation.
Private variable which is used to store the frob which is used for the first part of the authentication process.
A variable describing the permissions the currently auth’d user has within this app.
A Person object for the currently auth’d user (if there is one).
Constructor - as this class implements the Singleton pattern do not call directly but rather access through Flickr.getFlickr.
Use to set the value of the shared secret before any calls to methods like authLogin or authCheckToken
Pops open a login window so that the user can authenticate with the website.
Calls flickr.auth.getFrob to get a frob to be used during authentication.
Calls flickr.auth.getToken to get the auth token for the given frob, if one has been attached.
Calls flickr.auth.checkToken to get the credentials attached to an authentication token.
Simple function which forgets the information that was making this user be logged in.
Internal function which generates the relevant link and pops open the login window on
Internal, private function which is used to generate the api_sig used to sign a call.
Calls flickr.contacts.getList to get a list of contacts for the calling user.
Calls flickr.contacts.getPublicList to get a list of contacts a user.
Calls flickr.favorites.add to add a photo to a user’s favorites list.
Calls flickr.favorites.getList to get a list of the user’s favorite photos.
Calls flickr.favorites.getPublicList to get a list of favorite public photos for the given user.
Calls flickr.favorites.remove to remove a photo from a user’s favorites list.
Add a photo to a group’s pool.
Gets next and previous photos for a photo in a group pool.
Gets a list of groups to which you can add photos.
Gets a list of pool photos for a given group, based on the permissions of the group and the user logged in (if any).
Remove a photo from a group pool.
Calls flickr.people.findByEmail to get a user’s NSID, given their email address.
Calls flickr.people.findByUsername to get a user’s NSID, given their username.
Calls flickr.people.getInfo to get information about a user.
Calls flickr.people.getPublicGroups to get the list of public groups a user is a member of.
Calls flickr.people.getPublicPhotos to get a list of public photos for the given user.
Calls flickr.people.getUploadStatus to get information for the calling user related to photo uploads.
Calls to add tags to a given photo.
Returns all visble sets and pools the photo belongs to.
Calls to fetch a list of recent photos from the calling users’ contacts.
Calls to fetch a list of recent public photos from a users’ contacts.
Calls to return next and previous photos for a photo in a photostream.
Calls to get a list of photo counts for the given date ranges for the calling user.
Calls to return a list of EXIF/TIFF/GPS tags for a given photo.
Calls to get information about a photo..
Calls to get a list of your photos that are not part of any sets.
Calls to get permissions for a photo.
Calls to get a list of the latest public photos uploaded to flickr.
Calls to get the available sizes for a photo.
Calls to get a list of your photos with no tags.
Calls to remove a tag from a photo.
Calls to get a list of photos matching some criteria.
Calls to set one or both of the dates for a photo..
Calls to set the meta information for a photo.
Calls to set permissions for a photo..
Calls to set the tags for a photo.
Add a photo to the end of an existing photoset.
Create a new photoset for the calling user.
Delete a photoset.
Modify the meta-data for a photoset.
Modify the photos in a photoset.
Returns next and previous photos for a photo in a set.
Gets information about a photoset.
Gets the photosets belonging to the specified user.
Get the list of photos in a set.
Set the order of photosets for the calling user.
Remove a photo from a photoset.
Calls flickr.tags.getListPhoto to get the tag list for a given photo.
Calls flickr.tags.getListUser to get the tag list for a given user (or the currently logged in user).
Calls flickr.tags.getListUserPopular to get the popular tags for a given user (or the currently logged in user).
Calls flickr.tags.getRelated to get a list of tags ‘related’ to the given tag, based on clustered usage analysis.
Calls flickr.test.echo - forwards any arguments on to the Flickr API
Calls flickr.test.login - A testing method which checks if the caller is logged in then returns their username.
Used to call a method on the flickr API.
Called internally on recepit of a response from a request to the <REST_ENDPOINT>.
Private internal function used to avoid duplicate code to parse “the standard photo list xml”
Private internal function used to avoid duplicate code when parsing the standard photoset XML
Private internal function used to avoid duplicate code when parsing the standard context XML
Returns a reference to the Flickr instance - if none exists yet then creates one and returns a reference to that.


Your Flickr API Key.  None of the method calls will work without this.


private var _REST_ENDPOINT: String

The place for all API calls to connect to.  The default value of connecting directly to the server will only work if a relevant entry is added to their crossdomain.xml file otherwise set the value to the location of a proxy script on your server.


private var _AUTH_ENDPOINT: String

The base path you go to when you want to authenticate on


public static var STATUS_BUSY: Number

The API is already waiting for the response to a method call so cannot make another call


public static var STATUS_ERROR_CONNECTING: Number

Could not connect to the server (e.g. no internet connection, server down, security restrictions)


public static var STATUS_INVALID_XML: Number

The XML returned by the server wasn’t in a &lt;rsp /&gt; tag.


public static var STATUS_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN: Number

The user wasn’t logged in and tried to access a method that requires authentication (returned from


public static var STATUS_INVALID_API_KEY: Number

The API key sent to flickr was invalid (returned from


public static var STATUS_OK: Number

There was no errors and valid XML was returned.


public static var PERM_NOBODY: Number

A constant representing permissions for nobody.

See Also



public static var PERM_FRIENDS: Number

A constant representing permissions for friends and family.

See Also



public static var PERM_CONTACTS: Number

A constant representing permissions for contacts.

See Also



public static var PERM_EVERYBODY: Number

A constant representing permissions for everybody.

See Also



private var _secret: String

Private variable to store this app’s shared secret for use with the authentication API.

See Also

authLogin /services- /api- /registered_keys.gne


private var _authToken: String

Private variable which stores the token generated by a successfull authorisation.


private var _authFrob: String

Private variable which is used to store the frob which is used for the first part of the authentication process.


var authPerms: String

A variable describing the permissions the currently auth’d user has within this app.  It will be “none” until the user has been logged in and then will become “read”, “write” or “delete”.  You can check whether authPerms == “none” if you want to find out if the user is currently logged in before checking who they are with authUser

See Also




var authUser: Person

A Person object for the currently auth’d user (if there is one).  Empty if there is no currently auth’d user.

See Also




private function Flickr()

Constructor - as this class implements the Singleton pattern do not call directly but rather access through Flickr.getFlickr.


public function authSetSecret(secret: String)

Use to set the value of the shared secret before any calls to methods like authLogin or authCheckToken


secretYour applications shared secret.

See Also


authCheckToken /services- /api- /auth.howto.desktop.html /services- /api- /registered_keys.gne


public function authLogin(perms: String)

Pops open a login window so that the user can authenticate with the website.  The user authenticates using the “Non-web based app” method as described in section 9.2 of the auth spec.

The end effect of calling this function is that a window is opened with the relevant login / authenticate stuff on  It is the responsibility of the user of this library to pop up a dialog box saying words to the effect of:

”This program requires your authentication before it can read/write/delete your photos on  Please complete the authorisation process in the window which has popped up and then press the CONTINUE button below”

The CONTINUE button needs to call authGetToken which does the final stage of logging the user in.


permsA desired level of permission for actions which the application wants to perform on behalf of the user.  “read”, “write” or “delete”.

See Also

authGetToken /services- /api- /auth.howto.desktop.html /services- /api- /registered_keys.gne


public function authGetFrob(authIsLoggingIn: Boolean)

Calls flickr.auth.getFrob to get a frob to be used during authentication.  In most cases you would not call this method directly and would instead use authLogin.


authIsLoggingInSet to true internally so that authLogin doesn’t need to bother a FlickrResponseListener.  If you call the function then leave this empty or put in the default (false).

See Also


FlickrResponseListener.onAuthGetFrob /services- /api- /flickr.auth.getFrob.html


public function authGetToken()

Calls flickr.auth.getToken to get the auth token for the given frob, if one has been attached.

Should be called after the user has pressed CONTINUE on the status window you opened when calling authLogin.

If a valid token is returned (e.g. if the frob was correct and valid) then the user is logged in for all further API calls from this session and FlickrResponseListener.onAuthCheckToken will be fired.  If there is a problem then FlickrResponseListener.onError is fired.

See Also


FlickrResponseListener.onAuthCheckToken /services- /api- /flickr.auth.getToken.html


public function authCheckToken(authToken: String)

Calls flickr.auth.checkToken to get the credentials attached to an authentication token.  You can use this to log in if you have auth’d an app in a previous session and saved the token e.g. in a SharedObject.  If the token is still valid, the user will become logged in and FlickrResponseListener.onAuthCheckToken will be fired.  If the token is invalid then FlickrResponseListener.onError will be fired.


authTokenThe authentication token to check.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onAuthCheckToken /services- /api- /flickr.auth.checkToken.html


public function authLogout()

Simple function which forgets the information that was making this user be logged in.  The app will remain authenticated against until the user visits but the app will have to reapply for frob and then a token to use this authentication...


private function _authOpenLogin()

Internal function which generates the relevant link and pops open the login window on  Triggered when a frob (necessary to generate the link) is returned from flickr.auth.getFrob.

See Also: * /services- /api- /flickr.auth.getFrob.html /services- /api- /auth.howto.desktop.html /services- /api- /registered_keys.gne


private function _authSignCall(urlArguments: Object):String

Internal, private function which is used to generate the api_sig used to sign a call.


urlArgumentsAn Object containing name/value pairs which describe all of the arguments on the URL.

See Also /services- /api- /auth.howto.desktop.html /services- /api- /registered_keys.gne


public function contactsGetList(filter: String)

Calls flickr.contacts.getList to get a list of contacts for the calling user.


filterAn optional filter of the results.  One of “friends”, “friends”, “both” or “neither”

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onContactsGetList /services- /api- /flickr.contacts.getList.html


public function contactsGetPublicList(nsid: String)

Calls flickr.contacts.getPublicList to get a list of contacts a user.


nsidThe nsid of the user whose contacts you want to get.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onContactsGetPublicList /services- /api- /flickr.contacts.getPublicList.html


public function favoritesAdd(photoId: Number)

Calls flickr.favorites.add to add a photo to a user’s favorites list.


photoIdThe id of the photo you want to add.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onFavoritesAdd /services- /api- /flickr.favorites.add.html


public function favoritesGetList(userId: String,
extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)

Calls flickr.favorites.getList to get a list of the user’s favorite photos.


userIdThe id of the user to get favourites for [Optional: default=logged in user]
extrasA comma-delimited list of extra information to fetch for each returned record.  Currently supported fields are: license, date_upload, date_taken, owner_name, icon_server.
perPageThe number of results to get per page [Optional: default=100]
pageThe page of results to get [Optional: default=1]

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onFavoritesGetList /services- /api- /flickr.favorites.getList.html


public function favoritesGetPublicList(userId: String,
extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)

Calls flickr.favorites.getPublicList to get a list of favorite public photos for the given user.


userIdThe id of the user to get favourites for
extrasA comma-delimited list of extra information to fetch for each returned record.  Currently supported fields are: license, date_upload, date_taken, owner_name, icon_server.
perPageThe number of results to get per page [Optional: default=100]
pageThe page of results to get [Optional: default=1]

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onFavoritesGetPublicList /services- /api- /flickr.favorites.getPublicList.html


public function favoritesRemove(photoId: Number)

Calls flickr.favorites.remove to remove a photo from a user’s favorites list.


photoIdThe id of the photo you want to add.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onFavoritesRemove /services- /api- /flickr.favorites.remove.html


function groupsPoolsAdd(photoId: Number,
groupId: String)

Add a photo to a group’s pool.


photoIdThe id of the photo to add to the group pool.  The photo must belong to the calling user.
groupIdThe NSID of the group who’s pool the photo is to be added to.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onGroupsPoolsAdd /services- /api- /flickr.groups.pools.add.html


function groupsPoolsGetContext(photoId: Number,
groupId: String)

Gets next and previous photos for a photo in a group pool.


photoIdThe id of the photo to fetch the context for.
groupIdThe nsid of the group who’s pool to fetch the photo’s context for.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onGroupsPoolsAdd /services- /api- /flickr.groups.pools.add.html


function groupsPoolsGetGroups()

Gets a list of groups to which you can add photos.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onGroupsPoolsGetGroups /services- /api- /flickr.groups.pools.getGroups.html


function groupsPoolsGetPhotos(groupId: String,
tags: String,
extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)

Gets a list of pool photos for a given group, based on the permissions of the group and the user logged in (if any).


groupIdThe id of the group who’s pool you which to get the photo list for.
tagsA tag to filter the pool with.  At the moment only one tag at a time is supported.
extrasA comma-delimited list of extra information to fetch for each returned record.  Currently supported fields are: license, date_upload, date_taken, owner_name, icon_server
perPageThe number of photos to return per page.  [Optional: default=100]
pageThe page of results to return.  [Optional: default=1]

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onGroupsPoolsGetPhotos /services- /api- /flickr.groups.pools.getPhotos.html


function groupsPoolsRemove(photoId: Number,
groupId: String)

Remove a photo from a group pool.


photoIdThe id of the photo to remove from the group pool.  The photo must either be owned by the calling user of the calling user must be an administrator of the group
groupIdThe NSID of the group who’s pool the photo is to removed from.


function peopleFindByEmail(email: String)

Calls flickr.people.findByEmail to get a user’s NSID, given their email address.


emailThe email address of the person whose nsid you want

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPeopleFindByEmail /services- /api- /flickr.people.findByEmail.html


function peopleFindByUsername(username: String)

Calls flickr.people.findByUsername to get a user’s NSID, given their username.


usernameThe username of the person whose nsid you want

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPeopleFindByUsername /services- /api- /flickr.people.findByUsername.html


function peopleGetInfo(nsid: String)

Calls flickr.people.getInfo to get information about a user.


nsidThe nsid of the user you want information about.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPeopleGetInfo /services- /api- /flickr.people.getInfo.html


function peopleGetPublicGroups(nsid: String)

Calls flickr.people.getPublicGroups to get the list of public groups a user is a member of.


nsidThe nsid of the user whose groups you want to know about.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPeopleGetPublicGroups /services- /api- /flickr.people.getPublicGroups.html


function peopleGetPublicPhotos(nsid: String,
extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)

Calls flickr.people.getPublicPhotos to get a list of public photos for the given user.


nsidThe nsid of the user whose photos you want to know about.
extrasA comma-delimited list of extra information to fetch for each returned record.  Currently supported fields are: license, date_upload, date_taken, owner_name, icon_server
perPageThe number of photos to return per page.  [Optional: default=100]
pageThe page of results to return.  [Optional: default=1]

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPeopleGetPublicPhotos /services- /api- /flickr.people.getPublicPhotos.html


function peopleGetUploadStatus()

Calls flickr.people.getUploadStatus to get information for the calling user related to photo uploads.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPeopleGetUploadStatus /services- /api- /flickr.people.getUploadStatus.html


function photosAddTags (photoId: Number,
tags: String)

Calls to add tags to a given photo.


photoIdThe id of the photo to add tags to.
tagsThe tags to add to the photo.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosAddTags /services- /api- /


function photosGetAllContexts(photoId: Number)

Returns all visble sets and pools the photo belongs to.


photoIdThe photo to return information for.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosGetAllContexts /services- /api- /


function photosGetContactsPhotos (count: Number,
justFriends: Number,
singlePhoto: Number,
includeSelf: Number)

Calls to fetch a list of recent photos from the calling users’ contacts.


countNumber of photos to return.  Defaults to 10, maximum 50.  This is only used if single_photo is not passed.
justFriendsset as 1 to only show photos from friends and family (excluding regular contacts).  [Optional: default=0].
singlePhotoOnly fetch one photo (the latest) per contact, instead of all photos in chronological order [Optional: default=0].
includeSelfSet to 1 to include photos from the calling user.  [Optional: default=0].

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosGetContactsPhotos /services- /api- /


function photosGetContactsPublicPhotos (nsid: String,
count: Number,
justFriends: Boolean,
singlePhoto: Boolean,
includeSelf: Boolean)

Calls to fetch a list of recent public photos from a users’ contacts.


nsidThe NSID of the user to fetch photos for.
countNumber of photos to return.  Defaults to 10, maximum 50.  This is only used if single_photo is not passed.  [Optional: default=10].
justFriendsset as 1 to only show photos from friends and family (excluding regular contacts).  [Optional: default=0].
singlePhotoOnly fetch one photo (the latest) per contact, instead of all photos in chronological order [Optional: default=0].
includeSelfSet to 1 to include photos from the calling user.  [Optional: default=0].

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosGetContactsPublicPhotos /services- /api- /


function photosGetContext (photoId: Number)

Calls to return next and previous photos for a photo in a photostream.


photoIdThe id of the photo to fetch the context for.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosGetContext /services- /api- /


function photosGetCounts (dates: String,
takenDates: String)

Calls to get a list of photo counts for the given date ranges for the calling user.


datesA comma delimited list of unix timestamps denoting the periods to return counts for.  They should be specified smallest first.  [Optional: if not present then takenDates used instead.
takenDatesA comma delimited list of mysql datetimes denoting the periods to return counts for.  They should be specified smallest first.  [Optional: if not present then dates used instead.


  • The dates parameter is passed as UNIX Timestamps while the takenDates parameter is passed as MySQL Timestamps (e.g.  2005-03-21).
  • If you want to pass takenDates then pass “” (empty string) or undefined as the value of dates.


Should we change this method to accept Arrays of Date Objects rather than comma delimited Strings?  Then we could sort it making order unimportant and could abstract away the fact that Flickr stores dates uploaded and dates taken in different formats.  Maybe it would be better if the method’s arguments were dates (an Array of Date Objects) and type (Flickr.DATES_UPLOADED or Flickr.DATES_TAKEN)?

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosGetCounts /services- /api- /


function photosGetExif (photoId: Number,
secret: String)

Calls to return a list of EXIF/TIFF/GPS tags for a given photo.


photoIdThe id of the photo to fetch the context for.
secretThe secret for the photo.  If the correct secret is passed then permissions checking is skipped.  This enables the ‘sharing’ of individual photos by passing around the id and secret.

See Also


ExifData /services- /api- /


function photosGetInfo (photoId: Number,
secret: String)

Calls to get information about a photo..


photoIdThe id of the photo to fetch the context for.
secretThe secret for the photo.  If the correct secret is passed then permissions checking is skipped.  This enables the ‘sharing’ of individual photos by passing around the id and secret.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosGetInfo /services- /api- /


function photosGetNotInSet (extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)

Calls to get a list of your photos that are not part of any sets.


extrasA comma-delimited list of extra information to fetch for each returned record.  Currently supported fields are: license, date_upload, date_taken, owner_name, icon_server
perPageThe number of photos to return per page.  [Optional: default=100]
pageThe page of results to return.  [Optional: default=1]

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosGetNotInSet /services- /api- /


function photosGetPerms (photoId: Number)

Calls to get permissions for a photo.


photoIdThe id of the photo whose permissions you want

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosGetNotInSet /services- /api- /


function photosGetRecent (extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)

Calls to get a list of the latest public photos uploaded to flickr.


extrasA comma-delimited list of extra information to fetch for each returned record.  Currently supported fields are: license, date_upload, date_taken, owner_name, icon_server
perPageThe number of photos to return per page.  [Optional: default=100]
pageThe page of results to return.  [Optional: default=1]

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosGetRecent /services- /api- /


function photosGetSizes (photoId: Number)

Calls to get the available sizes for a photo.


photoIdThe id of the photo to fetch size information for.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosGetSizes /services- /api- /


function photosGetUntagged (extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)

Calls to get a list of your photos with no tags.


extrasA comma-delimited list of extra information to fetch for each returned record.  Currently supported fields are: license, date_upload, date_taken, owner_name, icon_server
perPageThe number of photos to return per page.  [Optional: default=100]
pageThe page of results to return.  [Optional: default=1]

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosGetUntagged /services- /api- /


function photosRemoveTag (tagId: Number)

Calls to remove a tag from a photo.


tagIdThe tag to remove from the photo.  This parameter should contain a tag id, as returned by photosGetInfo.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosRemoveTag /services- /api- /


function photosSearch (params)

Calls to get a list of photos matching some criteria.

You pass an object with one or many of the following attributes...


user_idThe NSID of the user who’s photo to search.  If this parameter isn’t passed then everybody’s public photos will be searched.
tagsA comma-delimited list of tags.  Photos with one or more of the tags listed will be returned.
tag_modeEither ‘any’ for an OR combination of tags, or ‘all’ for an AND combination.  Defaults to ‘any’ if not specified.
textA free text search.  Photos who’s title, description or tags contain the text will be returned.
min_upload_dateMinimum upload date.  Photos with an upload date greater than or equal to this value will be returned.  The date should be in the form of a UNIX timestamp.
max_upload_dateMaximum upload date.  Photos with an upload date less than or equal to this value will be returned.  The date should be in the form of a UNIX timestamp.
min_taken_dateMinimum taken date.  Photos with an taken date greater than or equal to this value will be returned.  The date should be in the form of a MySQL datetime.
max_taken_dateMaximum taken date.  Photos with an taken date less than or equal to this value will be returned.  The date should be in the form of a MySQL datetime.
licenseThe license id for photos.
extrasA comma-delimited list of extra information to fetch for each returned record.  Currently supported fields are: license, date_upload, date_taken, owner_name, icon_server
per_pageNumber of photos to return per page.  If this argument is ommited, it defaults to 100.  The maximum allowed value is 500.
pageThe page of results to return.  If this argument is ommited, it defaults to 1.
sortThe order in which to sort returned photos.  Deafults to date-posted-desc.  The possible values are: date-posted-asc, date-posted-desc, date-taken-asc and date-taken-desc


Should probably change it to accept dates as Date Objects...  Then you wouldn’t have to worry about what type of date flickr expects for the different arguments.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosSearch /services- /api- /


function photosSetDates (photoId: Number,
datePosted: Date,
dateTaken: Date,
dateTakenGran: Number)

Calls to set one or both of the dates for a photo..

All parameters are optional but you must provide either dateTaken or datePosted (or both if you like).

Dates are passed as Flash Date Objects so you don’t need to worry about the fact that flickr uses two different formats to represent it’s dates...


photoIdThe id of the photo to edit dates for.
datePostedThe Date the photo was uploaded to flickr.
dateTakenThe Date the photo was taken.
dateTakenGranThe granularity of the date the photo was taken.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosSetDates /services- /api- /


function photosSetMeta (photoId: Number,
title: String,
description: String)

Calls to set the meta information for a photo.


photoIdThe id of the photo to edit dates for.
titleThe title for the photo.
descriptionThe description for the photo.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosSetMeta /services- /api- /


function photosSetPerms (photoId: Number,
isPublic: Number,
isFriend: Number,
isFamily: Number,
permComment: Number,
permAddMeta: Number)

Calls to set permissions for a photo..


photoIdThe id of the photo to set permissions for.
isPublic1 to set the photo to public, 0 to set it to private.
isFriend1 to make the photo visible to friends when private, 0 to not.
isFamily1 to make the photo visible to family when private, 0 to not.
permCommentwho can add comments to the photo and it’s notes.  See Flickr.PERM_* for options.
permAddMetawho can add notes and tags to the photo.  See Flickr.PERM_* for options.

See Also





FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosSetMeta /services- /api- /


function photosSetTags (photoId: Number,
tags: String)

Calls to set the tags for a photo.


photoIdThe id of the photo to edit dates for.
tagsAll tags for the photo (as a single space-delimited string).

See Also


Photo.setTags - There are some problems listed here... /services- /api- /


function photosetsAddPhoto(photosetId: Number,
photoId: Number)

Add a photo to the end of an existing photoset.


photosetIdThe id of the photoset to add a photo to.
photoIdThe id of the photo to add to the set.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosetsAddPhoto /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.addPhoto.html


function photosetsCreate(title: String,
description: String,
primaryPhotoId: Number)

Create a new photoset for the calling user.


titleA title for the photoset.
descriptionA description of the photoset.  May contain limited html.
primaryPhotoIdThe id of the Photo to represent this set.  The photo must belong to the calling user.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosetsCreate /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.create.html


function photosetsDelete(photosetId: Number)

Delete a photoset.


photosetIdThe id of the Photoset to delete.  It must be owned by the calling user.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosetsDelete /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.delete.html


function photosetsEditMeta(photosetId: Number,
title: String,
description: String)

Modify the meta-data for a photoset.


photosetIdThe id of the Photoset to modify.
titleThe new title for the photoset.
descriptionA description of the photoset.  May contain limited html.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosetsEditMeta /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.editMeta.html


function photosetsEditPhotos(photosetId: Number,
primaryPhotoId: Number,
photoIds: Array)

Modify the photos in a photoset.  Use this method to add, remove and re-order photos.


photosetIdThe id of the photoset to modify.  The photoset must belong to the calling user.
primaryPhotoIdThe id of the photo to use as the ‘primary’ photo for the set.  This id must also be passed along in photo_ids list argument.
photoIdsA comma-delimited list of photo ids to include in the set.  They will appear in the set in the order sent.  This list must contain the primary photo id.  All photos must belong to the owner of the set.  This list of photos replaces the existing list.  Call photosetsAddPhoto to append a photo to a set.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosetsEditPhotos /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.editPhotos.html


function photosetsGetContext(photoId: Number,
photosetId: Number)

Returns next and previous photos for a photo in a set.


photoIdThe id of the Photo to fetch the context for.
photosetIdThe id of the Photoset for which to fetch the Photo’s context.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosetsGetContext /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.getContext.html


function photosetsGetInfo(photosetId: Number)

Gets information about a photoset.


photosetIdThe id of the Photoset to fetch information for.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosetsGetInfo /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.getInfo.html


function photosetsGetList(userId: String)

Gets the photosets belonging to the specified user.


userIdThe nsid of the Person to get a photoset list for.  If none is specified, the calling user is assumed.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosetsGetList /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.getList.html


function photosetsGetPhotos(photosetId: Number)

Get the list of photos in a set.


photosetIdThe id of the Photoset to return the photos for.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosetsGetPhotos /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.getPhotos.html


function photosetsOrderPhotosets(photosetIds: Array)

Set the order of photosets for the calling user.


photosetIdsAn array of photoset IDs, ordered with the set to show first, first in the list.  Any set IDs not given in the list will be set to appear at the end of the list, ordered by their IDs.

See Also

<FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosetsOrderPhotosets> /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.orderSets.html


function photosetsRemovePhoto(photosetId: Number,
photoId: Number)

Remove a photo from a photoset.


photosetIdThe id of the Photoset to remove a Photo from.
photoIdThe id of the Photo to remove from the set.

See Also

FlickrResponseListener.onPhotosetsRemovePhoto /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.removePhoto.html


public function tagsGetListPhoto(photoId: Number)

Calls flickr.tags.getListPhoto to get the tag list for a given photo.


photoIdThe id of the photo to return tags for.

See Also


FlickrResponseListener.onError /services- /api- /flickr.tags.getListPhoto.html


public function tagsGetListUser(userId: String)

Calls flickr.tags.getListUser to get the tag list for a given user (or the currently logged in user).


userIdThe NSID of the user to fetch the tag list for.  [Optional: default=the currently logged in user (if any)]

See Also


FlickrResponseListener.onError /services- /api- /flickr.tags.getListUser.html


public function tagsGetListUserPopular(userId: String,
count: Number)

Calls flickr.tags.getListUserPopular to get the popular tags for a given user (or the currently logged in user).


userIDThe NSID of the user to fetch the tag list for.  [Optional: default=the currently logged in user (if any)]
countNumber of popular tags to return.  [Optional: default=10]

See Also


FlickrResponseListener.onError /services- /api- /flickr.tags.getListUserPopular.html


public function tagsGetRelated(tag: String)

Calls flickr.tags.getRelated to get a list of tags ‘related’ to the given tag, based on clustered usage analysis.


tagThe tag to fetch related tags for.

See Also


FlickrResponseListener.onError /services- /api- /flickr.tags.getRelated.html


public function testEcho()

Calls flickr.test.echo - forwards any arguments on to the Flickr API


1...nAny number of parameters to echo back from the server [Optional]

See Also


FlickrResponseListener.onError /services- /api- /flickr.test.echo.html


public function testLogin()

Calls flickr.test.login - A testing method which checks if the caller is logged in then returns their username.

See Also


FlickrResponseListener.onError /services- /api- /flickr.test.login.html


public function callMethod(method: String,
additionalArguments: Object,
requiresSigning: Boolean):Void

Used to call a method on the flickr API.

When the method returns an onAPIResponse event is broadcast to any registered listeners.

You should use the methods above unless you are calling a method on which hasn’t yet been implemented in this API as then you will get argument type checking etc...


methodThe name of the method you want to call
additionalArgumentsAny additional arguments required by the object [Optional]
requiresSigningWhether the called method requires signing.  Used by methods such as flickr.auth.getFrob which need to be signed but are called before the user is auth’d.  Once a user is auth’d then all methods are automatically signed.  [optional: default=false]

See also



private function onAPIResponse(success: Boolean):Void

Called internally on recepit of a response from a request to the <REST_ENDPOINT>.  Interperets the received XML and broadcasts an onAPIResponse event to any registered listeners.  If the XML was the result of a known method call then the broadcast event will include sensible information, otherwise it will just be the XML for parsing outside this class (e.g. if a new method has been added to the API and not programmed into this class).


successWhether the call to the API was successfull (e.g. the server specfied in <REST_ENDPOINT> was connected to) or not.


Private internal function used to avoid duplicate code to parse “the standard photo list xml”


pxThe “standard photo list xml” from flickr.


An Array of Photo objects.


private function _parsePhotosetXml(photosetXml: XMLNode,
owner: Person):Photoset

Private internal function used to avoid duplicate code when parsing the standard photoset XML


photosetXmlAn XML node describing a photoset.
ownerThe owner of this Photoset - leave as undefined if they exist as an attribute in the XML...


The created photoset.


private function _parseContextXml(contextXML: XMLNode):Object

Private internal function used to avoid duplicate code when parsing the standard context XML


contextXMLThe contextXML to parse


An object containing count:Number, prevphoto:Photo and nextphoto:Photo


public static function getFlickr():Flickr

Returns a reference to the Flickr instance - if none exists yet then creates one and returns a reference to that.


A Flickr instance

private var _REST_ENDPOINT: String
The place for all API calls to connect to.
private var _AUTH_ENDPOINT: String
The base path you go to when you want to authenticate on
public static var STATUS_BUSY: Number
The API is already waiting for the response to a method call so cannot make another call
public static var STATUS_ERROR_CONNECTING: Number
Could not connect to the server (e.g.
public static var STATUS_INVALID_XML: Number
The XML returned by the server wasn’t in a &lt;rsp /&gt; tag.
public static var STATUS_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN: Number
The user wasn’t logged in and tried to access a method that requires authentication (returned from
public static var STATUS_INVALID_API_KEY: Number
The API key sent to flickr was invalid (returned from
public static var STATUS_OK: Number
There was no errors and valid XML was returned.
public static var PERM_NOBODY: Number
A constant representing permissions for nobody.
public static var PERM_FRIENDS: Number
A constant representing permissions for friends and family.
public static var PERM_CONTACTS: Number
A constant representing permissions for contacts.
public static var PERM_EVERYBODY: Number
A constant representing permissions for everybody.
private var _secret: String
Private variable to store this app’s shared secret for use with the authentication API.
private var _authToken: String
Private variable which stores the token generated by a successfull authorisation.
private var _authFrob: String
Private variable which is used to store the frob which is used for the first part of the authentication process.
var authPerms: String
A variable describing the permissions the currently auth’d user has within this app.
var authUser: Person
A Person object for the currently auth’d user (if there is one).
Class to describe a person from Flickr.
private function Flickr()
Constructor - as this class implements the Singleton pattern do not call directly but rather access through Flickr.getFlickr.
public static function getFlickr():Flickr
Returns a reference to the Flickr instance - if none exists yet then creates one and returns a reference to that.
public function authSetSecret(secret: String)
Use to set the value of the shared secret before any calls to methods like authLogin or authCheckToken
public function authLogin(perms: String)
Pops open a login window so that the user can authenticate with the website.
public function authCheckToken(authToken: String)
Calls flickr.auth.checkToken to get the credentials attached to an authentication token.
public function authGetFrob(authIsLoggingIn: Boolean)
Calls flickr.auth.getFrob to get a frob to be used during authentication.
public function authGetToken()
Calls flickr.auth.getToken to get the auth token for the given frob, if one has been attached.
public function authLogout()
Simple function which forgets the information that was making this user be logged in.
private function _authOpenLogin()
Internal function which generates the relevant link and pops open the login window on
private function _authSignCall(urlArguments: Object):String
Internal, private function which is used to generate the api_sig used to sign a call.
public function contactsGetList(filter: String)
Calls flickr.contacts.getList to get a list of contacts for the calling user.
public function contactsGetPublicList(nsid: String)
Calls flickr.contacts.getPublicList to get a list of contacts a user.
public function favoritesAdd(photoId: Number)
Calls flickr.favorites.add to add a photo to a user’s favorites list.
public function favoritesGetList(userId: String,
extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)
Calls flickr.favorites.getList to get a list of the user’s favorite photos.
public function favoritesGetPublicList(userId: String,
extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)
Calls flickr.favorites.getPublicList to get a list of favorite public photos for the given user.
public function favoritesRemove(photoId: Number)
Calls flickr.favorites.remove to remove a photo from a user’s favorites list.
function groupsPoolsAdd(photoId: Number,
groupId: String)
Add a photo to a group’s pool.
function groupsPoolsGetContext(photoId: Number,
groupId: String)
Gets next and previous photos for a photo in a group pool.
function groupsPoolsGetGroups()
Gets a list of groups to which you can add photos.
function groupsPoolsGetPhotos(groupId: String,
tags: String,
extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)
Gets a list of pool photos for a given group, based on the permissions of the group and the user logged in (if any).
function groupsPoolsRemove(photoId: Number,
groupId: String)
Remove a photo from a group pool.
function peopleFindByEmail(email: String)
Calls flickr.people.findByEmail to get a user’s NSID, given their email address.
function peopleFindByUsername(username: String)
Calls flickr.people.findByUsername to get a user’s NSID, given their username.
function peopleGetInfo(nsid: String)
Calls flickr.people.getInfo to get information about a user.
function peopleGetPublicGroups(nsid: String)
Calls flickr.people.getPublicGroups to get the list of public groups a user is a member of.
function peopleGetPublicPhotos(nsid: String,
extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)
Calls flickr.people.getPublicPhotos to get a list of public photos for the given user.
function peopleGetUploadStatus()
Calls flickr.people.getUploadStatus to get information for the calling user related to photo uploads.
function photosAddTags (photoId: Number,
tags: String)
Calls to add tags to a given photo.
function photosGetAllContexts(photoId: Number)
Returns all visble sets and pools the photo belongs to.
function photosGetContactsPhotos (count: Number,
justFriends: Number,
singlePhoto: Number,
includeSelf: Number)
Calls to fetch a list of recent photos from the calling users’ contacts.
function photosGetContactsPublicPhotos (nsid: String,
count: Number,
justFriends: Boolean,
singlePhoto: Boolean,
includeSelf: Boolean)
Calls to fetch a list of recent public photos from a users’ contacts.
function photosGetContext (photoId: Number)
Calls to return next and previous photos for a photo in a photostream.
function photosGetCounts (dates: String,
takenDates: String)
Calls to get a list of photo counts for the given date ranges for the calling user.
function photosGetExif (photoId: Number,
secret: String)
Calls to return a list of EXIF/TIFF/GPS tags for a given photo.
function photosGetInfo (photoId: Number,
secret: String)
Calls to get information about a photo..
function photosGetNotInSet (extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)
Calls to get a list of your photos that are not part of any sets.
function photosGetPerms (photoId: Number)
Calls to get permissions for a photo.
function photosGetRecent (extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)
Calls to get a list of the latest public photos uploaded to flickr.
function photosGetSizes (photoId: Number)
Calls to get the available sizes for a photo.
function photosGetUntagged (extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)
Calls to get a list of your photos with no tags.
function photosRemoveTag (tagId: Number)
Calls to remove a tag from a photo.
function photosSearch (params)
Calls to get a list of photos matching some criteria.
function photosSetDates (photoId: Number,
datePosted: Date,
dateTaken: Date,
dateTakenGran: Number)
Calls to set one or both of the dates for a photo..
function photosSetMeta (photoId: Number,
title: String,
description: String)
Calls to set the meta information for a photo.
function photosSetPerms (photoId: Number,
isPublic: Number,
isFriend: Number,
isFamily: Number,
permComment: Number,
permAddMeta: Number)
Calls to set permissions for a photo..
function photosSetTags (photoId: Number,
tags: String)
Calls to set the tags for a photo.
function photosetsAddPhoto(photosetId: Number,
photoId: Number)
Add a photo to the end of an existing photoset.
function photosetsCreate(title: String,
description: String,
primaryPhotoId: Number)
Create a new photoset for the calling user.
function photosetsDelete(photosetId: Number)
Delete a photoset.
function photosetsEditMeta(photosetId: Number,
title: String,
description: String)
Modify the meta-data for a photoset.
function photosetsEditPhotos(photosetId: Number,
primaryPhotoId: Number,
photoIds: Array)
Modify the photos in a photoset.
function photosetsGetContext(photoId: Number,
photosetId: Number)
Returns next and previous photos for a photo in a set.
function photosetsGetInfo(photosetId: Number)
Gets information about a photoset.
function photosetsGetList(userId: String)
Gets the photosets belonging to the specified user.
function photosetsGetPhotos(photosetId: Number)
Get the list of photos in a set.
function photosetsOrderPhotosets(photosetIds: Array)
Set the order of photosets for the calling user.
function photosetsRemovePhoto(photosetId: Number,
photoId: Number)
Remove a photo from a photoset.
public function tagsGetListPhoto(photoId: Number)
Calls flickr.tags.getListPhoto to get the tag list for a given photo.
public function tagsGetListUser(userId: String)
Calls flickr.tags.getListUser to get the tag list for a given user (or the currently logged in user).
public function tagsGetListUserPopular(userId: String,
count: Number)
Calls flickr.tags.getListUserPopular to get the popular tags for a given user (or the currently logged in user).
public function tagsGetRelated(tag: String)
Calls flickr.tags.getRelated to get a list of tags ‘related’ to the given tag, based on clustered usage analysis.
public function testEcho()
Calls flickr.test.echo - forwards any arguments on to the Flickr API
public function testLogin()
Calls flickr.test.login - A testing method which checks if the caller is logged in then returns their username.
public function callMethod(method: String,
additionalArguments: Object,
requiresSigning: Boolean):Void
Used to call a method on the flickr API.
private function onAPIResponse(success: Boolean):Void
Called internally on recepit of a response from a request to the REST_ENDPOINT.
private function _parsePhotosetXml(photosetXml: XMLNode,
owner: Person):Photoset
Private internal function used to avoid duplicate code when parsing the standard photoset XML
private function _parseContextXml(contextXML: XMLNode):Object
Private internal function used to avoid duplicate code when parsing the standard context XML
Class to define a listener for responses from the FlickrAPI.
public function onAuthGetFrob(frob)
Called when there is a successful response from a call to flickr.auth.getFrob
public function onAuthCheckToken(token)
Called when there is a successful response from a call to flickr.auth.getToken or flickr.auth.checkToken.
function onError(errorCode: Number,
errorDescription: String,
method: String)
Called when the Flickr API returns an error code..
function onContactsGetList(user: Person,
filter: String)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.contacts.getList.
function onContactsGetPublicList(user: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.contacts.getPublicList.
function onFavoritesAdd(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.favorites.add.
function onFavoritesGetList(user: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.favorites.getList.
function onFavoritesGetPublicList(user: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.favorites.getPublicList.
function onFavoritesRemove(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.favorites.remove.
function onGroupsPoolsAdd(photo: Photo,
group: Group)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.groups.pools.add
function onGroupsPoolsGetGroups(user: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.groups.pools.getGroups
function onGroupsPoolsGetPhotos(group: Group)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.groups.pools.getPhotos
function onPeopleFindByEmail(person: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.findByEmail.
function onPeopleFindByUsername(person: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.findByUsername.
function onPeopleGetInfo(person: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getInfo.
function onPeopleGetPublicGroups(person: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getPublicGroups.
function onPeopleGetPublicPhotos(person: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getPublicPhotos.
function onPeopleGetUploadStatus(person: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getUploadStatus.
function onPhotosAddTags(photo: Photo,
tags: String)
Called when there is a response from a call to
function onPhotosGetAllContexts(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getAllContexts.
function onPhotosGetContactsPhotos(photos: Array)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getContactsPhotos.
function onPhotosGetContactsPublicPhotos(person: Person,
photos: Array)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getContactsPhotos.
function onPhotosGetContext(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getContext.
function onPhotosGetCounts(counts: Array)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getCounts.
function onPhotosGetExif(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getExif.
Class to describe some ExifData as returned by Flickr.
function onPhotosGetInfo(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getInfo.
function onPhotosGetNotInSet(photos: Array)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getPhotosNotInSet.
function onPhotosGetRecent(photos: Array)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getRecent.
function onPhotosGetSizes(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getSizes.
function onPhotosGetUntagged(photos: Array)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getUntagged.
function onPhotosRemoveTag(tagId: Number)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.removeTag.
function onPhotosSearch(photos: Array)
Called when there is a response from a call to
function onPhotosSetDates(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.setDates.
function onPhotosSetMeta(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.setMeta.
function onPhotosSetTags(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.setTags.
function setTags(tags: String,
author: Person)
Set’s this Photo’s _tags...
function onPhotosetsAddPhoto(photoset: Photoset)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.addPhoto
Class to describe a photo from Flickr.
function onPhotosetsCreate(photoset: Photoset)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.create
Describes a Photoset on
function onPhotosetsDelete(photosetId: Number)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.delete
function onPhotosetsEditMeta(photoset: Photoset)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.editMeta
function onPhotosetsEditPhotos(photoset: Photoset)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.editPhotos
function onPhotosetsGetContext(photo: Photo,
photoset: Photoset)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.getContext
function onPhotosetsGetInfo(photoset: Photoset)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.getInfo
function onPhotosetsGetList(user: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.getList
function onPhotosetsGetPhotos(photoset: Photoset)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.getPhotos
function onPhotosetsRemovePhoto(photoset: Photoset)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.removePhoto
function onTagsGetListUser(person: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.tags.getListUser.
function onTagsGetListUserPopular(person: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.tags.getListUserPopular.
function onTagsGetRelated(sourceTag: Tag)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.tags.tagsGetRelated.
function onTestEcho(params: Object)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.test.echo.
function onTestLogin(user: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.test.login