com. kelvinluck. flickr. FlickrResponseListener

Class to define a listener for responses from the FlickrAPI.

Subclass this class or override the methods you are interested in and use Flickr.addListener...  The methods as they exist in this class just output debugging information and exist kind of like an interface to specify the callbacks from Flickr.callMethod and the variables available to them.

This code is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

See Also






Kelvin Luck < kelvin at kelvinluck dot com >

Project Website /projects- /flashr-a-flickr-api-wrapper-for-flash

Class to define a listener for responses from the FlickrAPI.
Used internally to control whether info messages are logged.
Use if you don’t want this instance to log it’s messages.
Called when there is a successful response from a call to flickr.auth.getFrob
Called when there is a successful response from a call to flickr.auth.getToken or flickr.auth.checkToken.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.contacts.getList.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.contacts.getPublicList.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.favorites.add.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.favorites.getList.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.favorites.getPublicList.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.favorites.remove.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.groups.pools.add
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.groups.pools.getContext
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.groups.pools.getGroups
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.groups.pools.getPhotos
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.groups.pools.remove
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.findByEmail.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.findByUsername.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getInfo.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getPublicGroups.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getPublicPhotos.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getUploadStatus.
Called when there is a response from a call to
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getAllContexts.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getContactsPhotos.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getContactsPhotos.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getContext.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getCounts.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getExif.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getInfo.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getPhotosNotInSet.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getPerms.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getRecent.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getSizes.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getUntagged.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.removeTag.
Called when there is a response from a call to
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.setDates.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.setMeta.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.setPerms.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.setTags.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.addPhoto
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.create
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.delete
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.editMeta
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.editPhotos
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.getContext
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.getInfo
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.getList
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.getPhotos
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.orderSets
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.removePhoto
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.tags.tagsGetListPhoto.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.tags.getListUser.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.tags.getListUserPopular.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.tags.tagsGetRelated.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.test.echo.
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.test.login
Called when the Flickr API returns an error code..
Internal function which deals with a response from a Flickr API call and forwards any relevant arguments to the relevant function.


private var supressOutput: Boolean

Used internally to control whether info messages are logged.

See Also



function setSuppressOutput(supressOutput: Boolean):Void

Use if you don’t want this instance to log it’s messages.

You may want to do this if you have multipule FlickrResponseListeners in one movie (e.g. one for auth stuff and one for other calls) or in a production environment.

See Also



public function onAuthGetFrob(frob)

Called when there is a successful response from a call to flickr.auth.getFrob

Note that you only need to use this and Flickr.authGetFrob if you have opted not to use Flickr.authLogin for some reason.


froba frob to be used during authentication.

See Also


Flickr.authGetFrob /services- /api- /flickr.auth.getFrob.html


public function onAuthCheckToken(token)

Called when there is a successful response from a call to flickr.auth.getToken or flickr.auth.checkToken.

The token is returned so that you can save it so that you can authenticate against flickr at a later date without prompting the user again.


tokenthe auth token.

See Also


Flickr.authCheckToken /services- /api- /flickr.auth.getToken.html /services- /api- /flickr.auth.checkToken.html


function onContactsGetList(user: Person,
filter: String)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.contacts.getList.  Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


contactsThe Person whose contacts you collected.  Use Person.getPublicContacts to see their contacts.
filterThe filter that was used on the call to Flickr.contactsGetList or undefined if no filter was used.

See Also

Flickr.contactsGetList /services- /api- /flickr.contacts.getList.html


function onContactsGetPublicList(user: Person)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.contacts.getPublicList.  Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


userThe Person object whose contacts you got.  Use Person.getPublicContacts to retrieve the list of contacts.

See Also


Person.getPublicContacts /services- /api- /flickr.contacts.getPublicList.html


function onFavoritesAdd(photo: Photo)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.favorites.add.  Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photoThe photo which has just been successfully added to the auth’duser’s favorites.

See Also

Flickr.favoritesAdd /services- /api- /flickr.favorites.add.html


function onFavoritesGetList(user: Person)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.favorites.getList.  Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


userThe Person whose favourites we got.  You see get their favorites using Person.getFavorites.

See Also


Person.getFavorites /services- /api- /flickr.favorites.getList.html


function onFavoritesGetPublicList(user: Person)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.favorites.getPublicList.  Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


userThe Person whose favourites we got.  You can get their favorites using Person.getFavorites.

See Also


Person.getFavorites /services- /api- /flickr.favorites.getPublicList.html


function onFavoritesRemove(photo: Photo)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.favorites.remove.  Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photoThe photo which has just been successfully removed from the auth’d user’s favorites.

See Also

Flickr.favoritesRemove /services- /api- /flickr.favorites.remove.html


function onGroupsPoolsAdd(photo: Photo,
group: Group)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.groups.pools.add

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photoThe Photo you have just added to a Group.
groupThe Group you have just added the Photo to.

See Also

Flickr.groupsPoolsAdd /services- /api- /flickr.groups.pools.add.html


function onGroupsPoolsGetContext(photo: Photo,
group: Group)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.groups.pools.getContext

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photoThe Photo you have just got the context for.
groupThe Group you have just got the context in

See Also


Photo.contextGroupPools /services- /api- /flickr.groups.pools.getContext.html


function onGroupsPoolsGetGroups(user: Person)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.groups.pools.getGroups

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


userThe Person you have just got the Groups for.

See Also


Person.getGroups /services- /api- /flickr.groups.pools.getGroups.html


function onGroupsPoolsGetPhotos(group: Group)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.groups.pools.getPhotos

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


groupThe Group you have just got the Photos for.

See Also


Group.getPhotos /services- /api- /flickr.groups.pools.getPhotos.html


function onGroupsPoolsRemove(photo: Photo,
group: Group)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.groups.pools.remove

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photoThe Photo you have just added to a Group.
groupThe Group you have just added the Photo to.

See Also

Flickr.groupsPoolsAdd /services- /api- /flickr.groups.pools.remove.html


function onPeopleFindByEmail(person: Person)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.findByEmail.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


personA Person object containing information about the person you found.

See Also

Flickr.peopleFindByEmail /services- /api- /flickr.people.findByEmail.html


function onPeopleFindByUsername(person: Person)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.findByUsername.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


personA Person object containing information about the person you found

See Also

Flickr.peopleFindByUsername /services- /api- /flickr.people.findByUsername.html


function onPeopleGetInfo(person: Person)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getInfo.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


personA Person object containing information about the person you found (nsid, isAdmin, isPro, username, realname, location, photosFirstDateTaken, photosFirstDate and numPhotos).

See Also

Flickr.peopleGetInfo /services- /api- /flickr.people.getInfo.html


function onPeopleGetPublicGroups(person: Person)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getPublicGroups.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


personA Person object representing the person whose groups you wanted info on

See Also


Person.getGroups /services- /api- /flickr.people.getPublicGroups.html


function onPeopleGetPublicPhotos(person: Person)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getPublicPhotos.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


personThe Person whose public photos you have got.

See Also


Person._photos /services- /api- /flickr.people.getPublicPhotos.html


function onPeopleGetUploadStatus(person: Person)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getUploadStatus.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


personThe Person whose upload status you have got (e.g. the currently auth’d user).

See Also




Person.filesizeMax /services- /api- /flickr.people.getUploadStatus.html


function onPhotosAddTags(photo: Photo,
tags: String)

Called when there is a response from a call to

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photoThe Photo that the tags were added to.
tagsThe tags that were added.

See Also

Flickr.photosAddTags /services- /api- /


function onPhotosGetAllContexts(photo: Photo)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getAllContexts.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photoThe Photo whose contexts you have just got

See Also


<Photo.getGroupPools> TODO: implement this! /services- /api- /


function onPhotosGetContactsPhotos(photos: Array)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getContactsPhotos.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.

Note that Flickr.getFlickr().authUser will point to the auth’d user and any contacts that photos were found for whill have been added to that Persons contact list.


photosAn array of Photo objects - one for each photo by a contact of the calling user

See Also

Flickr.photosGetContactsPhotos /services- /api- /


function onPhotosGetContactsPublicPhotos(person: Person,
photos: Array)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getContactsPhotos.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


personThe Person whose contacts public photos you requested
photosAn array of Photo objects - one for each photo by a contact of the calling user

See Also

Flickr.photosGetContactsPublicPhotos /services- /api- /


function onPhotosGetContext(photo: Photo)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getContext.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photoThe Photo we were getting the context for.  The values of context* will be set in it and will point to the relevant other Photo objects

See Also

Flickr.photosGetContext /services- /api- /


function onPhotosGetCounts(counts: Array)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getCounts.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


countsAn array containing objects for each date range getCounts was called on Each object contains the following attributes: count, fromdate and todate

See Also

Flickr.photosGetCounts /services- /api- /


function onPhotosGetExif(photo: Photo)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getExif.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photoA Photo containing all the information loaded from

See Also

Flickr.photosGetExif /services- /api- /


function onPhotosGetInfo(photo: Photo)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getInfo.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photoA Photo containing all the information loaded from

See Also

Flickr.photosGetInfo /services- /api- /


function onPhotosGetNotInSet(photos: Array)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getPhotosNotInSet.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photosAn Array of Photo’s.

See Also

Flickr.photosGetNotInSet /services- /api- /


function onPhotosGetPerms(photo: Array)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getPerms.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photoThe Photo that you just got permissions for.


Need to actually do something with the permissions that were returned.  At the moment they are ignored as I need to figure out how to store permissions which are a combination of Person and Photo - and so can’t just be stored on a Photo.

See Also

Flickr.photosGetPerms /services- /api- /


function onPhotosGetRecent(photos: Array)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getRecent.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photosAn Array of Photo’s.

See Also

Flickr.photosGetNotInSet /services- /api- /


function onPhotosGetSizes(photo: Photo)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getSizes.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photoThe Photo whose sizes you got.

See Also



PhotoSize /services- /api- /


function onPhotosGetUntagged(photos: Array)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getUntagged.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photosAn Array of Photo’s.

See Also

Flickr.photosGetUntagged /services- /api- /


function onPhotosRemoveTag(tagId: Number)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.removeTag.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.

Note that Flickr.getFlickr().authUser will point to the auth’d user who is obviously the person who removed the Tag if you are interested in that.


tagIdThe ID of the Tag that was removed.  This identifies a Tag and a Photo it was associated with...

See Also

Flickr.photosRemoveTag /services- /api- /


function onPhotosSearch(photos: Array)

Called when there is a response from a call to

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photosAn Array of Photo’s.

See Also

Flickr.photosSearch /services- /api- /


function onPhotosSetDates(photo: Photo)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.setDates.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photoThe Photo whose dates have just been updated,

See Also

Flickr.photosSetDates /services- /api- /


function onPhotosSetMeta(photo: Photo)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.setMeta.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photoThe Photo whose meta info has just been updated,

See Also

Flickr.photosSetMeta /services- /api- /


function onPhotosSetPerms(photo: Photo)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.setPerms.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photoThe Photo whose permissions info has just been updated,

See Also

Flickr.photosSetMeta /services- /api- /


function onPhotosSetTags(photo: Photo)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.setTags.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photoThe Photo whose tags have just been updated,

See Also

Flickr.photosSetTags /services- /api- /


function onPhotosetsAddPhoto(photoset: Photoset)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.addPhoto

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photosetThe photoset the photo was added to.  The added photo will be the last one in <>

See Also

Flickr.photosetsAddPhoto /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.addPhoto.html


function onPhotosetsCreate(photoset: Photoset)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.create

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photosetThe newly created Photoset

See Also

Flickr.photosetsCreate /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.create.html


function onPhotosetsDelete(photosetId: Number)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.delete

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photosetIdThe id of the deleted photoset

See Also

Flickr.photosetsDelete /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.delete.html


function onPhotosetsEditMeta(photoset: Photoset)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.editMeta

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photosetThe Photoset that you have just updated the meta info for...

See Also

Flickr.photosetsEditMeta /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.editMeta.html


function onPhotosetsEditPhotos(photoset: Photoset)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.editPhotos

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photosetThe Photoset that you have just updated the photos for...

See Also

Flickr.photosetsEditPhotos /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.editPhotos.html


function onPhotosetsGetContext(photo: Photo,
photoset: Photoset)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.getContext

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photoThe Photo that you have just got the context of.
photosetThe Photoset you got the context in.

See Also


Photo.contextPhotosets /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.getContext.html


function onPhotosetsGetInfo(photoset: Photoset)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.getInfo

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photosetThe Photoset that you have just got info for...

See Also

Flickr.photosetsEditPhotos /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.getInfo.html


function onPhotosetsGetList(user: Person)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.getList

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


userThe Person whose Photosets you have just retrieved.

See Also


Person.getPhotosets /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.getList.html


function onPhotosetsGetPhotos(photoset: Photoset)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.getPhotos

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photosetThe Photoset whose Photos you have just retrieved.

See Also


Photoset.getPhotos /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.getPhotos.html


function onPhotosetsOrderSets(user: Person)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.orderSets

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


userThe Person whose Photos you have just ordered (i.e. you!)

See Also


Person.getPhotosets /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.orderSets.html


function onPhotosetsRemovePhoto(photoset: Photoset)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.removePhoto

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photosetThe Photoset you have just removed a Photo from

See Also

Flickr.photosetsRemovePhoto /services- /api- /flickr.photosets.removePhoto.html


function onTagsGetListPhoto(photo: Photo)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.tags.tagsGetListPhoto.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


photoThe Photo whose tags are being returned.  Use Photo.getTags to get at the tags themselves...

See Also


Photo.getTags /services- /api- /flickr.tags.getListPhoto.html


function onTagsGetListUser(person: Person)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.tags.getListUser.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


personThe Person whose tags are being returned.

See Also

Flickr.tagsGetListUser /services- /api- /flickr.tags.getListUser.html


function onTagsGetListUserPopular(person: Person)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.tags.getListUserPopular.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


personThe Person whose tags are being returned.

See Also

Flickr.tagsGetListUserPopular /services- /api- /flickr.tags.getListUserPopular.html


function onTagsGetRelated(sourceTag: Tag)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.tags.tagsGetRelated.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


sourceTagThe tag you were getting related tags for - look in it’s relatedTags Object.

See Also


Tag.relatedTags /services- /api- /flickr.tags.getRelated.html


function onTestEcho(params: Object)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.test.echo.

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


paramsAn object with containing all the echo’d variables.

See Also

Flickr.testEcho /services- /api- /flickr.test.echo.html


function onTestLogin(user: Person)

Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.test.login

Override this method in your application if you want to do something with the response to this call.


userA reference to the logged in user

See Also

Flickr.testLogin /services- /api- /flickr.test.login.html


function onError(errorCode: Number,
errorDescription: String,
method: String)

Called when the Flickr API returns an error code..

Override this method in your application so that it deals with the error.


errorCodeThe code of this error.
errorDescriptionA description of this error.
methodThe Flickr API method that was called when this error occured.


function onAPIResponse(eventObject: Object)

Internal function which deals with a response from a Flickr API call and forwards any relevant arguments to the relevant function.

You shouldn’t need to override this function.


eventObjectAn object containing all the relevant information about the API call
private var supressOutput: Boolean
Used internally to control whether info messages are logged.
function setSuppressOutput(supressOutput: Boolean):Void
Use if you don’t want this instance to log it’s messages.
public function onAuthGetFrob(frob)
Called when there is a successful response from a call to flickr.auth.getFrob
public function onAuthCheckToken(token)
Called when there is a successful response from a call to flickr.auth.getToken or flickr.auth.checkToken.
function onContactsGetList(user: Person,
filter: String)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.contacts.getList.
function onContactsGetPublicList(user: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.contacts.getPublicList.
function onFavoritesAdd(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.favorites.add.
function onFavoritesGetList(user: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.favorites.getList.
function onFavoritesGetPublicList(user: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.favorites.getPublicList.
function onFavoritesRemove(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.favorites.remove.
function onGroupsPoolsAdd(photo: Photo,
group: Group)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.groups.pools.add
function onGroupsPoolsGetContext(photo: Photo,
group: Group)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.groups.pools.getContext
function onGroupsPoolsGetGroups(user: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.groups.pools.getGroups
function onGroupsPoolsGetPhotos(group: Group)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.groups.pools.getPhotos
function onGroupsPoolsRemove(photo: Photo,
group: Group)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.groups.pools.remove
function onPeopleFindByEmail(person: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.findByEmail.
function onPeopleFindByUsername(person: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.findByUsername.
function onPeopleGetInfo(person: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getInfo.
function onPeopleGetPublicGroups(person: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getPublicGroups.
function onPeopleGetPublicPhotos(person: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getPublicPhotos.
function onPeopleGetUploadStatus(person: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getUploadStatus.
function onPhotosAddTags(photo: Photo,
tags: String)
Called when there is a response from a call to
function onPhotosGetAllContexts(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getAllContexts.
function onPhotosGetContactsPhotos(photos: Array)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getContactsPhotos.
function onPhotosGetContactsPublicPhotos(person: Person,
photos: Array)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getContactsPhotos.
function onPhotosGetContext(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getContext.
function onPhotosGetCounts(counts: Array)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getCounts.
function onPhotosGetExif(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getExif.
function onPhotosGetInfo(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getInfo.
function onPhotosGetNotInSet(photos: Array)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getPhotosNotInSet.
function onPhotosGetPerms(photo: Array)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getPerms.
function onPhotosGetRecent(photos: Array)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getRecent.
function onPhotosGetSizes(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getSizes.
function onPhotosGetUntagged(photos: Array)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.getUntagged.
function onPhotosRemoveTag(tagId: Number)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.removeTag.
function onPhotosSearch(photos: Array)
Called when there is a response from a call to
function onPhotosSetDates(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.setDates.
function onPhotosSetMeta(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.setMeta.
function onPhotosSetPerms(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.setPerms.
function onPhotosSetTags(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.people.setTags.
function onPhotosetsAddPhoto(photoset: Photoset)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.addPhoto
function onPhotosetsCreate(photoset: Photoset)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.create
function onPhotosetsDelete(photosetId: Number)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.delete
function onPhotosetsEditMeta(photoset: Photoset)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.editMeta
function onPhotosetsEditPhotos(photoset: Photoset)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.editPhotos
function onPhotosetsGetContext(photo: Photo,
photoset: Photoset)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.getContext
function onPhotosetsGetInfo(photoset: Photoset)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.getInfo
function onPhotosetsGetList(user: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.getList
function onPhotosetsGetPhotos(photoset: Photoset)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.getPhotos
function onPhotosetsOrderSets(user: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.orderSets
function onPhotosetsRemovePhoto(photoset: Photoset)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.photosets.removePhoto
function onTagsGetListPhoto(photo: Photo)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.tags.tagsGetListPhoto.
function onTagsGetListUser(person: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.tags.getListUser.
function onTagsGetListUserPopular(person: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.tags.getListUserPopular.
function onTagsGetRelated(sourceTag: Tag)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.tags.tagsGetRelated.
function onTestEcho(params: Object)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.test.echo.
function onTestLogin(user: Person)
Called when there is a response from a call to flickr.test.login
function onError(errorCode: Number,
errorDescription: String,
method: String)
Called when the Flickr API returns an error code..
function onAPIResponse(eventObject: Object)
Internal function which deals with a response from a Flickr API call and forwards any relevant arguments to the relevant function.
public function callMethod(method: String,
additionalArguments: Object,
requiresSigning: Boolean):Void
Used to call a method on the flickr API.
Class to provide an interface to the Flickr API
public function authGetFrob(authIsLoggingIn: Boolean)
Calls flickr.auth.getFrob to get a frob to be used during authentication.
public function authLogin(perms: String)
Pops open a login window so that the user can authenticate with the website.
public function authCheckToken(authToken: String)
Calls flickr.auth.checkToken to get the credentials attached to an authentication token.
Class to describe a person from Flickr.
function getPublicContacts():Object
Gets a list of the public contacts that this user has (if addPublicContact has been called for this user.
public function contactsGetList(filter: String)
Calls flickr.contacts.getList to get a list of contacts for the calling user.
public function contactsGetPublicList(nsid: String)
Calls flickr.contacts.getPublicList to get a list of contacts a user.
public function favoritesAdd(photoId: Number)
Calls flickr.favorites.add to add a photo to a user’s favorites list.
function getFavorites():Object
Gets a list of the favorite Photo’s that this user has.
public function favoritesGetList(userId: String,
extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)
Calls flickr.favorites.getList to get a list of the user’s favorite photos.
public function favoritesGetPublicList(userId: String,
extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)
Calls flickr.favorites.getPublicList to get a list of favorite public photos for the given user.
public function favoritesRemove(photoId: Number)
Calls flickr.favorites.remove to remove a photo from a user’s favorites list.
Class to describe a photo from Flickr.
Class to describe a group from Flickr.
function groupsPoolsAdd(photoId: Number,
groupId: String)
Add a photo to a group’s pool.
function groupsPoolsGetContext(photoId: Number,
groupId: String)
Gets next and previous photos for a photo in a group pool.
Stores information about this Photos context in given Groups
function groupsPoolsGetGroups()
Gets a list of groups to which you can add photos.
function getGroups():Array
Returns this Person’s _groups Array.
function groupsPoolsGetPhotos(groupId: String,
tags: String,
extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)
Gets a list of pool photos for a given group, based on the permissions of the group and the user logged in (if any).
function getPhotos():Array
Get’s this Groups _pool
function peopleFindByEmail(email: String)
Calls flickr.people.findByEmail to get a user’s NSID, given their email address.
function peopleFindByUsername(username: String)
Calls flickr.people.findByUsername to get a user’s NSID, given their username.
function peopleGetInfo(nsid: String)
Calls flickr.people.getInfo to get information about a user.
function peopleGetPublicGroups(nsid: String)
Calls flickr.people.getPublicGroups to get the list of public groups a user is a member of.
function peopleGetPublicPhotos(nsid: String,
extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)
Calls flickr.people.getPublicPhotos to get a list of public photos for the given user.
private var _photos: Array
An Array containing references to all of this Person’s photos.
function peopleGetUploadStatus()
Calls flickr.people.getUploadStatus to get information for the calling user related to photo uploads.
public var bandwidthMax: Number
The bandwidth this user has available, in bytes per month.
public var bandwidthUsed: Number
The bandwidth this user has used this month, in bytes.
public var filesizeMax: Number
The maximum size per file that this user can upload, in bytes.
function photosAddTags (photoId: Number,
tags: String)
Calls to add tags to a given photo.
function getPhotosets():Array
This Photos _photosets Array.
function photosGetContactsPhotos (count: Number,
justFriends: Number,
singlePhoto: Number,
includeSelf: Number)
Calls to fetch a list of recent photos from the calling users’ contacts.
function photosGetContactsPublicPhotos (nsid: String,
count: Number,
justFriends: Boolean,
singlePhoto: Boolean,
includeSelf: Boolean)
Calls to fetch a list of recent public photos from a users’ contacts.
function photosGetContext (photoId: Number)
Calls to return next and previous photos for a photo in a photostream.
function photosGetCounts (dates: String,
takenDates: String)
Calls to get a list of photo counts for the given date ranges for the calling user.
function photosGetExif (photoId: Number,
secret: String)
Calls to return a list of EXIF/TIFF/GPS tags for a given photo.
function photosGetInfo (photoId: Number,
secret: String)
Calls to get information about a photo..
function photosGetNotInSet (extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)
Calls to get a list of your photos that are not part of any sets.
function photosGetPerms (photoId: Number)
Calls to get permissions for a photo.
function photosGetSizes (photoId: Number)
Calls to get the available sizes for a photo.
private var _sizes: Array
The PhotoSizes that are associated with this photo.
Class to describe the size of a Photo from Flickr.
function photosGetUntagged (extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)
Calls to get a list of your photos with no tags.
Class to describe a tag on a photo on
function photosRemoveTag (tagId: Number)
Calls to remove a tag from a photo.
function photosSearch (params)
Calls to get a list of photos matching some criteria.
function photosSetDates (photoId: Number,
datePosted: Date,
dateTaken: Date,
dateTakenGran: Number)
Calls to set one or both of the dates for a photo..
function photosSetMeta (photoId: Number,
title: String,
description: String)
Calls to set the meta information for a photo.
function photosSetTags (photoId: Number,
tags: String)
Calls to set the tags for a photo.
function photosetsAddPhoto(photosetId: Number,
photoId: Number)
Add a photo to the end of an existing photoset.
Describes a Photoset on
function photosetsCreate(title: String,
description: String,
primaryPhotoId: Number)
Create a new photoset for the calling user.
function photosetsDelete(photosetId: Number)
Delete a photoset.
function photosetsEditMeta(photosetId: Number,
title: String,
description: String)
Modify the meta-data for a photoset.
function photosetsEditPhotos(photosetId: Number,
primaryPhotoId: Number,
photoIds: Array)
Modify the photos in a photoset.
function photosetsGetContext(photoId: Number,
photosetId: Number)
Returns next and previous photos for a photo in a set.
var contextPhotosets: Object
Stores information about this Photos context in given Photosets
function photosetsGetList(userId: String)
Gets the photosets belonging to the specified user.
function getPhotosets():Array
Returns this Person’s _photosets Array.
function photosetsGetPhotos(photosetId: Number)
Get the list of photos in a set.
function getPhotos():Array
Get’s this Photosets photos
function photosetsRemovePhoto(photosetId: Number,
photoId: Number)
Remove a photo from a photoset.
function getTags():Object
Returns an object containing all the tags’s that are associated with this Photo.
public function tagsGetListPhoto(photoId: Number)
Calls flickr.tags.getListPhoto to get the tag list for a given photo.
public function tagsGetListUser(userId: String)
Calls flickr.tags.getListUser to get the tag list for a given user (or the currently logged in user).
public function tagsGetListUserPopular(userId: String,
count: Number)
Calls flickr.tags.getListUserPopular to get the popular tags for a given user (or the currently logged in user).
public function tagsGetRelated(tag: String)
Calls flickr.tags.getRelated to get a list of tags ‘related’ to the given tag, based on clustered usage analysis.
public var relatedTags: Object
An object containing a list of tags that are related to this one, based on clustered usage analysis.
public function testEcho()
Calls flickr.test.echo - forwards any arguments on to the Flickr API
public function testLogin()
Calls flickr.test.login - A testing method which checks if the caller is logged in then returns their username.